Akkadian and Sumerian are generally considered to be the ‘oldest’ written languages, dating back to the 3rd millennium (2000-3000) B C. Akkadian, which was the language of the Assyrian empire was replaced by ancient Aramaic, when the Babylonian empire was established. It is also generally considered that Egyptian alphabet came into existence around 1900 B C.
Writings of ALL of them refer to a ‘Creation’ and a ‘Worldwide Flood’.
Moses wrote the “Hebrew Scriptures” around 1400 B C, almost a 1000 years after the first 2 languages above. YET HIS account gives MORE details about the ‘Creation’ and the main People who lived up to the ‘Flood’ and NAMES the 10 generations, giving the specific years as to WHEN each firstborn appeared, in the very First Book of the Bible, in Genesis Chapter 5. According to those calculations, the flood had occurred in the year 1656 from Creation.
Though the reasons behind the ‘Flood’ are briefly mentioned in Genesis 6:1-5, to get more details with regard to ‘those reasons’ we have to go to another Book, which is MUCH OLDER than ALL the writings mentioned above. It was written about 800 years after the Creation, by a Person called “Hanuk”, though he is generally known as ‘Enoch’. It is also assumed that his son Methuselah who lived for 969 years, the longest by any human being, completed it, with what Enoch shared with him, before GOD took Enoch physically out of this world.
Neither the Bible, nor any other ancient writings were divided into “Chapters and Verses”, initially. That was done very much later. Yet in Enoch’s book too, the ‘Reasons for the Flood’ are mentioned in chapter 6, just like in Genesis. Apart from the Jewish People, the ‘Book of Enoch’ was NOT known generally among the Gentiles, until the “Dead Sea Scrolls” were discovered from 1946\47 onwards. Those are copies of the Books found in the Bible, as well as non-Biblical ones, made by a Group of Devoted Jewish People known as “Essenes” from the 2nd century Before Christ.
The Book of Enoch seemed to have been quite popular among the ‘First Century Christians’ too, as more than 200 “quotations” are reputed to be found in the writings, in the Section known as the “New Testament” of the Bible. The ‘Reasons for the Flood’ given in Genesis Chapter 6 and also chapter 6 of the ‘Book of Enoch’ are as follows:
“Watchers” were appointed as ‘guards’ in ancient times. They observed that human beings, animals and plants increase through multiplication, yet watchers themselves could not. They saw that it were the females that gave birth to young ones. Hence they also wanted to plant ‘seeds’ in the females, but had no access to do so. To understand ‘how’ they found the means, first we need to go to the 4th Chapter in Genesis, where the ‘First Human Murder’ is recorded, the elder brother Cain murdering his younger brother Abel.
Many philosophers have pointed out the FACT that, ‘Whatever is sown, THAT would be reaped in life’. That principle is recorded in many places in the Bible too and the most graphic is in Galatians 6:7, “Do NOT be deceived. GOD is NOT mocked for whatever a person sows, THAT he will also reap”.
What GOD Told Cain after his wicked deed is recorded in Genesis 4:10 – 12, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood, cries out TO ME from the ground. Now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood, from your hand. When you till the ground, henceforth it will NOT give you its yield”.
Earlier Cain had been a farmer, but then onwards he had to either steal someone else’s crop or hunt animals for food. As he could not go on stealing continuously, he resorted to hunting. Those days NO implements were invented even for farming. So he had to use sharp stones to skin and cut the animals that he captured and thus started the ‘Stone Age’. Incidentally ‘Stone Age’ does NOT mean that people lived in ‘Stone Caves’. As per world history, the first civilization was in Mesopotamia, as stated in the previous article. That is in what is known today as the ‘Middle East’, where there are NO stone caves but only sandy ones. What is referred to as ‘Stone Age’ is the period of time that human beings used ‘Stone Implements’. After that came the ‘Bronze Age’, when they started using instruments made out of bronze. Stone Age is supposed to have ended by 2000 B C and Cain lived during the time period of 4000 B C.
So Cain and his descendants ate meat and much of the time that meat still had blood on it, even though roasted. Thus the ‘watchers’ found the ‘opening’ to get into the menfolk of Cain’s descendants. It is no secret that even today some spirits known as ‘evil or unclean’ ask for blood. That would have been another reason FOR GOD to “Forbid human beings to eat meat with blood in it” as Moses has recorded in Leviticus 17:12.
So as both the Book of Genesis, as well as the Book of Enoch state, the ‘watchers’ were able to plant their seed through Cain’s descendants, in the females they chose, obviously with ‘Extra Human’ capabilities. As per Book of Enoch 200 of the ‘watchers’ did so and the names of 18 leaders are also given, one of whom is Azazel mentioned in Leviticus Chapter 16, in a different context.
Genesis 6:4 & 5 State, “The Nephilim (fallen ones) were on the earth those days and also afterwards, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty and famous men of old. And The LORD saw that the wickedness of men was great in the earth and that every inclination and thought in their hearts was continuously evil”.
Translators of Genesis 6:9 have missed out a very significant point. Most probably because 500 years back, when the English Translations were first released, the acronym DNA and the term ‘Chromosomes’ were NOT in existence. Most translations have the word ‘Generation’ twice in that Verse. The first time is when the Hebrew word “Tolduth” is translated, which is proper.
The Hebrew word for the second is different, which is “Dure”, meaning “Revolutions” or “Gyrations”.
Today we know that the DNA keeps ‘whirling’. Hence what that Verse really states is that GOD found Noah’s DNA or Genes “Complete or Proper”, meaning those of the rest of the mankind was NOT, meaning corrupt.
Observing that fruits in a bowl are rotten, except for a couple of them, anyone would throw the rotten ones into the garbage heap, so that the good ones also would NOT get spoilt. But there is NO ‘garbage place’ in outer space.
Therefore as per Genesis 6:13 -16, GOD told Noah that HE is sending a ‘flood’ in order to eliminate evil from the earth and also Gave the very specifications and the type of material to be used for Noah to build a ship, which is also called an ‘Ark’ today.
Though much larger ships have been built since then, their specifications even today are based on those same ones given in Genesis 6:15, as they are found to be the safest. Maritime Insurance Company “Lloyds” would NOT insure any ship that is not built according to those specifications.
According to the ‘Timeline’ given in Genesis Chapter 5, Noah was born in the year 1056 from Creation. Genesis 7:11 states that, when Noah and his family, along with the animals went into the ark, his age was 600 years, 2 months and 17 days. So the ‘flood’ occurred in the year 1656 from Creation and Genesis 8:13 & 14 state that when Noah came out, he was 601 years, 2 months and 27 days. Prior to 701 B C or so, the earth had taken only 360 days to complete its rotation around the sun. Therefore Noah, his family and all the animals had been inside the ark for 370 days. AFTER THAT BEGAN THE NEXT STAGE OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION and THAT is ‘what’ has been written in those ancient writings, mentioned above.
The Teachings of Christ are recorded in the First 4 Books of the New Testament and are called the “Gospels”. Just as HE Ascended, HE IS COMING BACK, surrounded by the clouds, as also stated in the last Book of the Bible called “Revelations” now and earlier “Apocalypse”. Descriptions of the ‘Conditions of this world, just prior to that RETURN’ which are Recorded in those Gospels seem like “A News Report in ADVANCE”, proving the ACCURACY of HIS Predictions. Just 2 of them are given below, which are relevant to this article.
“Because of the speedy increase of lawlessness /wickedness, love of many will grow cold” – Matthew 24:12. Even more relevant, “As it was IN the ‘Days of Noah’, SO SHALL IT BE, BEFORE THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN [HIMSELF]” – Luke 17:26.
2nd Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6 record, quoting the Book of Enoch, those ‘watchers’ are imprisoned in the lowest part of hell, until the “Day of Judgment”. But it is NO secret that the attempt to ‘change human genes’ started with ‘cloning’ and now has come a long way.