It is common knowledge that the Book of ACTS starts, just like the Gospel of Luke, by it being addressed to a Person called Theophilus. As to the identity of this Person, meaning who he really was, we will see when we come to Chapter Four of the Book of ACTS.
ACTS 1:3 states that YASHUA did many things in order to PROVE that HE indeed HAS RISEN from the dead, as well as taught for 40 days. Luke 24:41-43 John 21:9&13 state that HE also ate, during that period. So in the resurrected body we continue to eat too. Apart from Revelation 2:7, Chapter 19 states about the „Marriage Supper of The Lamb.‟ The most quoted Scripture Verse is Revelation 3:20 – “Behold, I stand at the door and knock and if anyone hears My Voice and opens the door, I Will Come into him and will eat or sup with him and he with Me.”