Throughout human history, various “names, terms and ideas” such as ‘UFOs, Extra Terrestrial beings, witches and vampires’, have cropped up from time to time and held the interest of people,
Media mainly vocal (rumours) in the distant past and later printed and finally now digital have contributed towards this phenomena.
Another major factor happens to be films.
For some time now, films that have been released from Hollywood have depicted characters that seem to be more than ordinary human beings, possessing some super human capabilities. The stature of some also is gigantic.
Also in the dialog, one can frequently hear those characters using the phrase ‘those humans’.
Are these simply fiction or is there more to it?
Some might even wonder whether any kind of data could be available to substantiate, mainly what those films portray? They seem to impact especially the young generation including pre-teens.
Harry Potter series is a clear example of that. In the past there was also a ‘card game’ called “Pokemon” (short for ‘pocket monster’) that was very popular among school children. In England, pre-teen kids have even stabbed other children, to get the cards they needed.
Are these all ‘passing fads’ or is something else happening?
What was recorded in the history of ancient cultures and was considered to be ‘mythology’, have all of a sudden seem to be accepted as ‘real’.
There may be some who might wonder, whether the BIBLE has anything to say about these things.
In this website, the practice has been to show the “Biblical Relevance” of various events that happen to be taking place in the world.
All 4 Gospels record Christ saying “HE WILL COME BACK”. HE also gave a description of ‘What would be happening in the world’, when HIS RETURN gets CLOSER. Chapter 19 of the last Book in the Bible called “Revelation” describes THAT RETURN quite vividly.
It is recorded in Luke 17:26 that Christ said, before HIS RETURN, it would be like the “Days of Noah”. Verse 27 records HIM Saying, “People were eating and drinking and getting married” etc. But that is WHAT people have been doing, NOT ONLY during the times of Noah, but throughout human history.
Hence that phrase could mean, ‘People will be carrying on with their normal activities’, UNTIL some great calamity occurs. The world seems to be in some form of ‘uncertain status’, in all main spheres, whether they be economics, health issues or politics. Yet people seem to be ‘carrying on regardless’. Hence that part seems to ‘Fit In’ generally.
But “Could HE have indicated something MORE?” when HE Said “Like the Days of Noah?”
Let us explore and see, WHAT these “The Days of Noah”, COULD have been like.
In the very First Book of the Bible [Genesis], a strange occurrence is recorded in Chapter 6 and also goes onto state the ‘Results of that occurrence to be the MAIN CAUSE for the ‘worldwide flood’.
Just for the record, ‘That worldwide Flood’ is mentioned in ancient Akkadian, Sumerian and Egyptian writings too.
Similarly there are other ‘extra Biblical’ ancient books which record various incidents that happened in ancient times.
A major one of those books is the ‘Book of Enoch’, from which many “quotes” could be found in the section known as “New Testament Writings”, by Christians.
Coming back to the “Biblical Record”, what is translated in Genesis 6:1-4 seems to be somewhat ‘clouded’.
The most popular English Version KJV was originally published in 1611 and the two previously used “Geneva Bible and Bishops’ Bible” in 1500s.
Today we HAVE much more information than the translators had back then, due to various archeological findings and also technological facilities available at present.
For the benefit of those, who want to properly grasp what Genesis 6:1-4 states, it is best to paraphrase it as follows:-
“When the ‘human race’ increased upon the earth, the ‘sons of God’ saw that ‘it was women’ who gave birth to little ones” – [Verses 1 & 2]
They would have noticed that even in the case of the animals, the ‘birthing’ was done by the females.
For them the SAD FACT was that they could NOT increase at all.
Hence about 200 of those ‘sons of God’, wanted to enter into ‘men’, in order for them also to increase in number. Still they had a problem, as they NEEDED an ‘opening’ to enter into any human being.
When Cain, who was a farmer [Genesis 4:3] killed his brother Abel, GOD Told him “The earth that had ‘opened its mouth’ to receive Abel’s blood, will be ‘powerless to yield a harvest’ (meaning in Hebrew) to him, when Cain tills the ground, as he is under a curse” [Genesis 4:10 & 11].
Consequently, Cain and his descendants had to eat meat, unlike ALL the other human beings, who were vegetarian at the time [Genesis 1:29].
The real problem was not just ‘eating meat’, but most probably in their ignorance, they ate meat with the animal’s blood still in it.
We see in Leviticus 17:12-14, “GOD specifically PROHIBITING eating meat, without first straining out the animal’s blood”.
Jewish and Muslim people follow that regulation to this day.
In witchcraft also ‘blood’, whether of animals or human beings’, still play a major part.
That seems to be the ‘opening’ the ‘sons of God’ needed to enter into Cain’s descendants. The ‘mighty ones of renown’ that Genesis 6:4 speaks about are the OFF SPRING they sired, when they had physical relationships with women,
That Verse also states “They existed ‘THEN or those days’ and also AFTERWARDS”. ‘Then’ means BEFORE the flood and ‘afterwards’, AFTER the flood.
There is some controversy regarding the phrase ‘sons of God’. Some who do NOT want to ‘get too supernatural’ tend to say, ‘they are the descendants of Seth’, whom GOD Gave in place of Abel [Genesis 4:25].
The son of Seth was called ‘Enosh’, as per Genesis 4:26. The meaning of that name is practically the opposite of being ‘mighty or powerful’. Hence the question arises, ‘Can a mighty generation come from someone, who is called ‘weak’ or a ‘nobody’, which really is the meaning of ‘Enosh’.
There are also those who claim, ‘sons of God’ refers to ‘Godly or good’ people, which is even MORE baffling.
HOW CAN a generation of people SO BAD and WICKED enough’ for GOD to DESTROY the WHOLE world because of them, COME from ‘GODLY’ or ‘Good’ or ‘Righteous people’?
THAT is spiritually or even biologically, incomprehensible.
Also consider the following. Throughout history, the soldiers of ANY conquering army, have in general raped the women of the defeated side. NO ONE can claim them to be ‘good men’.
But history does NOT state that EVEN FROM SUCH WICKED MEN, a generation of so ‘bad or wicked’ people arose, that GOD dealt with them in the kind of harsh manner, Genesis Chapters 6 to 8 describe.
So it stands to reason to conclude, ‘sons of God’ could NOT be ANY KIND of human beings.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, “Scripture INTERPRETS Scripture”. You get the SAME phrase in Job 1:6, where it is recorded “Sons of GOD came to present themselves before YHWH and Satan also came”.
That obviously was NOT the “White Throne Judgment”, as that happened during the time of Job, whereas the “White Throne Judgment” is still in the future, according to Revelation Chapter 20.
Human beings ‘Face Judgment’ only AFTER they DIE as per Hebrews 9:27.
So the ‘sons of God’ mentioned in the Book of JOB, CANNOT be ANY human beings, but definitely should be some ‘spiritual beings’.
The devil and his emissaries are at present in the atmosphere, as per Ephesians 6:12. They will be cast down to the earth on a future date, as Recorded in Revelation 12:7-9.
Both Peter [2nd Peter 2:4] and Jude [Verse 6] records some “Angels that are kept in ‘tartaros’ until the Day of Judgment”.
The context in Peter show the RELEVANCE of the “Times of Noah” and Jude mentions the FACT that “They DID NOT keep their places or habitation”.
Both those statements are from the ‘Book of Enoch’ and they also CONFIRM the phrase ‘sons of God’ in Genesis 6 to be RELEVANT to a ‘group of angels’.
Ironically, in the Book of Enoch also you find this incident recorded in chapter 6.
Neither the writers of the Bible nor ANY writers in ancient times divided what they wrote into chapters and verses or even into paragraphs in Hebrew.
Whoever divided the ‘Book of Enoch’ into chapters and verses also had numbered the section about those ‘watchers rebelling’, as chapter 6. Briefly what is found there is as follows:-
Semjaza was their leader and other main ones recorded are Azazel, Kokabel, Ezeqeel, Araqiel, Shamsiel, Armaros, Baraqijal and Sariel. Altogether 200 of those ‘watchers’ had descended upon Mount Hermon, situated in the north of modern Israel.
Those ones named above have taught human beings astrology and various crafts including the manufacture of weapons and also witchcraft etc.
Four of the “Leading Good Angels” were given various tasks by GOD.
Uriel was sent to the son of Lamech, Noah [Genesis 5:28 & 29], to tell him to build the “ARK” [In Hebrew ‘Box’ – תבה] and to “Hide himself!”
Raphael was sent to bind Azazel hand and foot and make an opening in the desert in Dudael and cast him into the darkness therein.
Gabriel was sent to destroy the worst of the descendants of the Nefilim.
Michael was sent to bind and lock up Semjaza and the rest of his associates till the day of their judgment; [Peter & Jude].
It also should be stated here that the ‘Book of Enoch’ ends, with a PICTURE of “TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS” Prevailing upon the earth, which is understood to be the REIGN OF THE MASHIACH.
Once Noah had finished building the ‘Ark’ according to the specifications GOD Gave him [Genesis 6:14-16] and also had gathered all the food needed [Genesis 6:21], he was told to enter it with his family of 8. GOD caused all the terrestrial animals and birds to come into the ark also in pairs of a male and a female and then GOD HIMSELF closed the door – Genesis 7:14 – 16.
As per Genesis 7:4 & 10, all that would have taken 7 days and then “The windows of the heavens opened” – [Verse 11].
Then it rained for 40 Days, BUT Noah, His family and the animals that went in were INSIDE the ARK for 370 days – Genesis 7:11 and 8:13 – 19.
All that is regarding what is recorded in Genesis 6:1-4 and the global flood.
Verse 4 states “Nepfilim” in most translations. The Hebrew word ‘Nafal’ means “Fall or to fall” and ‘nefilim’ is the plural, so the word means “fallen ones”.
Some might ask, “Are Nefilim mentioned in other places in the Bible?”
The answer is “YES”. Wonder how many have thought about this?
Hebrew People witnessed firsthand, all the miracles GOD DID in Egypt, which was the then ‘world power’ and also how HE drowned their army in the ‘Red Sea’.
Then they SAW this AWESOME GOD Coming down upon Mount Sinai, which was the ONLY TIME a ‘whole nation’ ever SAW GOD in that fashion.
Yet, when they were told by that SAME GOD to “Go in and Possess the Promised Land”, they became afraid and turned back, WHY?
WHAT were they afraid of? Or more precisely, what portion of information in the report of the 10 spies made them lose heart.
The answer is in the last 2 Verses of Numbers Chapter 13, there Verse 33 states them saying, “And we SAW Nefilim, sons of Anak of the Nefilim. We were like grasshoppers in our own eyes and so were we in their eyes”.
So it was the PRESENCE of Nefilim, roughly 3400 years back, in the land of Canaan that caused the Hebrew People to disobey GOD.
Deuteronomy Chapter 3 mentions king of Bashan ‘Og’, who is identified as a ‘Rephaite’ and his iron bed was 13 and 1\2 feet long and 6 feet wide [Verse11]. So he would have been around 13 feet TALL and shoulders would have been 5 feet or more broad. His bed was made out of iron, most probably because a ‘wooden bed’ would have collapsed under his weight.
Goliath that was killed by David was also over 9 and 1\2 feet tall and of immense stature [1st Samuel 17:4-7] that caused the entire Israeli army to be afraid of him.
Stated above is what is recorded in the Bible regarding Nefilim, Rephaim and giants. Also briefly the background information that can be found in the book of Enoch.
It also should be stated here that Archeologists have found skeletons of people of immense stature, practically in every continent.
So the question remains, ‘Did Christ indicate that Nefilim and Rephaim also will re-appear’ when HE Said “The times will be like the days of Noah”?
IF SO, are those films referred to at the beginning of this article just a precursor of that reappearance?