This is the second one in the series of ‘Misconceptions’. It is related to the previous article as it is regarding the “Visit of the Wise Men (Magi)” after Yahshua\Jesus was Born.
As was stated at the beginning of the first article, misconceptions about their visit also emanate because of what has been seen in Christmas cards, Nativity Plays and the ‘Cribs’ that are made in some homes, during this season.
The picture imbedded in the minds of most, including non-Christians, is that they ‘arrived THAT SAME NIGHT and visited Baby Jesus at the STABLE’.
Matthew 2:1 clearly states they came from the EAST. That word ‘east’ then referred to any area in Babylon (modern Iraq) or beyond.
Matthew does NOT state “how many” of them came. Because they “Presented three types of Gifts” [Matthew 2:11], it is generally ASSUMED there were three. Maybe there were only three. YET the possibility remains that there could have been more and “3 types of Gifts” were presented because of the origins of their journeys and the routes they travelled. Even today a couple getting married or a person celebrating his or her birthday might get same or similar types of gifts from more than one guest.
There were 8 main trade routes that traversed the ancient world, the most famous being the “Silk Road” that started in China. They sold their silk for gold, silver and even wool, needed during winter.
The other route that is of importance to us is the “Incense Route”. It was a network of trade routes transporting similar commodities that covered about 1200 miles in the modern M. E. and extended upto India.
They transported both “Frankincense and Myrrh”. That could narrow the number of the wise men even to two, as the person that traversed the ‘Incense Route’ could have brought both those commodities, as they were available along his route.
The point is that we do NOT know HOW MANY of them came, as Matthew does NOT give the number. The FACT remains they had to travel a long distance on camels or more probably in wagons. The distance from Babylon to Jerusalem in those days was about 500 to 600 miles (800 to 960 kms). Hence they could NOT have COME that SAME night, as there were NO planes THEN.
Just to complete the picture, even if 3 came, two of them could have started from China and India and they could have met up in Babylon. From there onwards it is desert in which travelling was done mainly during the night. Caravans usually followed the directions shown by the constellations. Since it is recorded that they “Followed the star”, it means they would have travelled ONLY during the NIGHT.
The other factor that many are either ignorant of or overlook is that it was dangerous to travel alone or even as 3 people, because there were bandits. Hence they would have had some guards escorting them. It is obvious that they were rich and hence were able to afford guards. Also they would NOT have carried their GIFTS in ‘small boxes’ as shown in various pictures. They did NOT present ‘small gifts’ like that to kings. Films depicting historical events show that dignitaries brought their gifts to kings in ‘large boxes or caskets’, as that was the custom. Hence armed guards were needed. All that is regarding the ‘general picture’.
The question is WHEN did they COME to Jerusalem?
The ANSWER is there in Matthew CHAPTER TWO and it was NOT on that same night that Christ was Born.
Matthew 2:7 States that Herod called the men for a ‘private meeting’ [KJV states ‘privily’] and “Enquired DILIGENTLY, as to WHEN they FIRST SAW the star?”
Verse 16 States that when he found out that the wise men had already left without coming back to him [KJV – mocked], he was furious and gave the order to “Kill” NOT the ‘new born babies’, which would have been the order, IF the wise men came on the same night, NOR those under 3 or 6 months, BUT “TWO years and under, ACCORDING TO THE TIME HE FOUND OUT FROM THE WISE MEN” [Matthew 2:16].
To sum up, Herod found out as to WHEN the star first appeared, which corresponded to the “Night of Christ’s Birth”. He knew roughly “HOW OLD the Child would be” when he gave the order, which was 2 years or under.
Hence the ANSWER to our question is “Close upon TWO YEARS”.
Anyone can fathom that Joseph and Mary would NOT have been living in the place “Christ was Born” for close upon two years.
That FACT is also STATED in Matthew 2:11 “When they CAME to the HOUSE and SAW the YOUNG CHILD (KJV)….”
According to the Angel the “Sign” for the shepherds was a “BABY (Greek – Brephos) wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger (Greek – Phatnay)”, as per Luke 2:12, which the shepherds saw for themselves as per Verse 16 there.
But Matthew does NOT mention any ‘swaddling clothes or a manger’, but a “Young Child” (Greek – Paidion), as KJV correctly states and the WISE MEN CAME TO a “HOUSE” (Greek – Oikian) and NOT a ‘stable’.