Now it is common knowledge that during the first quarter of this century two solar eclipses occur over USA. The first happened on 21st of August 2017 and the second one will occur on the 8th of April 2024.
These two eclipses also make a giant “X mark” on America. What could that mean? What might the GOD OF ISRAEL Be Telling America?
Genesis 1:14 States GOD Made sun, moon, and stars as “Signs and Seasons or Appointed times” as well as to indicate days and Years.
The general understanding is that the ‘Solar Eclipses’ prelude GOD’S Dealings with those who follow the ‘solar calendar’, practically all gentile nations, while ‘Lunar Eclipses’, those who follow the ‘lunar calendar’. Practically all nations in the M. E. and particularly Israel.
The 2017 eclipse crossed over seven cities named Salem in America. FOUR days later “Hurricane Harvey” devastated the country. After President Donald Trump placed his signature on the ‘Declaration’ that USA recognizes Jerusalem, as the ‘Eternal Capital’ of Israel the on 6th of December 2017 (within 3 months) and stated that the American Embassy will be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, things appeared to improve in the USA, especially with regard to the economy and the cost of living. It should be stated here that “Salem” mentioned in Genesis 14:18 was the ancient name of the city that under King David came to be known as “Jerusalem”.
Where the world in general is concerned, a couple of years after that eclipse the ‘covid pandemic’ disrupted the lives of practically everyone.
The eclipse that will occur on 8th of April 2024 will cross over seven cities named “Nineveh” in America:
-Nineveh, Texas -Nineveh, Missouri -Nineveh, Indiana
-Nineveh, Ohio -Nineveh, Pennsylvania -Nineveh, Virginia
-Nineveh, New York”
What COULD BE the warning to America? Is GOD’S judgment coming?
The eclipse will also cross over a location named “Nineveh” in the province of Nova Scotia in Canada. Sadly Canada has been quite ‘anti-God’ in recent years.
What could America and Canada and possibly the nations of the world that will be affected by the solar eclipse, NEED TO repent of?
ANY fair minded person can see that ‘evil, injustice and wickedness’ are rampant all over the world, just as the Bible predicted more than 2000 years back.
Apart from that, “Could there be anything specific?”
To have a better understanding, we need to turn to the Book of Jonah and see about Jonah’s Message to ancient Nineveh.
Once Jonah was out of the great fish, he obediently Preached the “Message of Repentance”, as GOD Wanted him to in Nineveh, the capital city of the Assyrian empire, “Then he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” Jonah 3:4
Thus, a “40-day countdown” began for the people of Nineveh to repent and the ‘Good News’ is that the king decreed that man and beast, all should “Fast and Repent of evil ways and violence of their hands” – Jonah 3:6 – 8.
What is generally NOT known is that according to Akkadian writings dealing with astronomy, TWO Solar Eclipses had occurred over Assyria prior to Jonah’s visit.
According to NASA and modern astronomers they had occurred on 24th of June 791 and 15th of June 763 B.C.
CAN the 8th of April solar eclipse covering 7 cities named ‘Nineveh’ be an indication, Hebrew “Oth” [אוֹת] from GOD, as per Genesis 1:14 that America is also getting a “40 Day Warning”?
Even before Israel entered the Land, GOD Said as per Leviticus 25:23, they are NOT to sell any portion of the Land, as “The Land BELONGS to GOD”.
In Joel 3:2 GOD Says “HE Will gather the gentile nations (Hebrew Goyim) into the valley of Jehoshapat [YHWH Judges] and Judge them for DIVIDING HIS LAND”.
At present America Biden administration is quite persistent about what is called the “Two State solution”, which means ‘dividing the land’ going against what GOD Says ‘NOT to do’.
The UN, EU and most of the rest of the world is also echoing the same theme.
Just as Assyrian influence controlled a better part of the world at that time, American influence is over most nations at present.
Is this solar eclipse a WARNING from GOD for all of us, apart from ‘Repenting of our own mistakes’, to get away from our puny little plans and fall in line with HIS PLAN, as HE IS ABSOLUTELY FAIR AND JUST KNOWS WHAT IS BEST?