The first two articles in this section were about the ‘Coming Global Kingdom’, with its 10 leaders and the ‘Next War that would take place in the Middle East’, as per Psalms 83.
The last article was about ANOTHER WAR that would take place AGAIN in the Middle East, AFTER the 10 leaders come into power and also identifying the 3 leaders that would be eliminated, which is recorded in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39.
There are various theories or identifications presented about those 3. Turkey features prominently in some of them.
But IF the ‘northern ruler’ is taken to be ‘Turkey’, then many countries especially those that belonged to the former USSR, including Russia itself that are situated north of Turkey, would seemed to be ‘EXCLUDED’ in the ‘Vision given to Daniel’ and also from the explanation given by the Angel, regarding that vision.
Daniel 7:7 states “And it (final kingdom]) was different to ALL the previous beasts (previous kingdoms) and had 10 horns”. And Verse 8 goes onto state “Whilst I was considering [or pondering about] the horns, another little horn came up, before whom 3 of the other horns were plucked out of their roots. This horn had eyes like that of a man and a mouth that spoke great words”.
Those Verses do NOT give ANY indication about the geographical territories.
The explanation given by the Angel begins from Verse 23 of the same Chapter, “The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom, different to all the other ones, that devours the WHOLE EARTH, trampling it down and crushing it”.
That explanation GIVES the geographical locality that empire will rule as the ‘whole earth’. NONE of the empires in human history have ruled the whole earth. That is why the name ‘Global Kingdom’ is used by many, who talk about it at present.
Also in the past, the idea of ‘a revived Roman empire coming back into existence’ was also spoken about. Consequently when the EU was first formed, many assumed ‘that’ to be the ‘kingdom’ stated in Daniel Chapter 7.
But the Angel does NOT state the word ‘revived’ in relation to that empire.
Further he does NOT say ‘that empire will rule a particular portion of the earth, like the EU having control ONLY in Europe, but categorically states “it will devour the WHOLE EARTH”. That means literally from the north-pole to the south-pole and from the eastern extremity of the earth to the western end. Also the Hebrew word “D’kak” translated as “Breaking in pieces” and “Crushing” etc. also could mean ‘eliminating the previous ones’. Hence it cannot be a ‘revived kingdom’ of ANY that had existed in the past.
In Ezekiel 39:1 & 2 GOD Says Gog, ‘ruler of Rosh\Meshech and Tubal’ will be brought from the “Hidden or Unknown North side”, Hebrew “tzaphon yarekah”.
At the time of Ezekiel or even 2000 years back, Moscow and Russia were unknown territories. Hence the areas referred to in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 HAD TO BE further north of modern Turkey.
Regardless of ‘WHO those 3 could be’ Daniel 7:8 and 23 quite clearly state that ‘A World Ruler’ would TAKE OVER, AFTER those 3 have been ELIMINATED.
Hence it is better to examine the DETAILS given in the BIBLE about ‘him’?
Prophet Nahum’s oracle was about Nineveh, as he states in 1:1 itself. That city was the capital of the Assyrian empire. Verse 11 there states, “Someone that fabricates or plots evil and counsels wickedness against The LORD, will come from it”.
Micah 5:5 & 6 also speak about a particular ‘Assyrian’, from whom GOD would deliver HIS People.
Ancient Nineveh was located in the present day Mosul area and according to Nahum’s Prophecy it appears ‘this person’ would be born there.
Daniel 9:27 states “He will confirm a ‘Peace Treaty’ with ‘many’ for one week”. “One week” is generally understood to be “7 Years”, within the context of Daniel 9:24 onwards.
“Many” could be the ‘Balance 7’ of the 10 leaders of the global kingdom that remain, after 3 are eliminated.
Any ‘Treaty’ has to be made in partnership with those in power and those 7 would be the ones who would be ‘in power’.
Ezekiel Chapter 39 first states ‘HOW GOD will destroy the armies of those 3 rulers’ and then goes onto describe what would happen afterwards.
Verses 11 and 12 there state that it would take Israel 7 months to bury all the corpses and any ‘remains’ that would be there, in order to “Cleanse the Land”.
Verse 9 states “They will use the arms and armaments of that army as fuel, for 7 YEARS”. This Verse confirms the ‘One Week’ stated in Daniel 9:27 to be 7 YEARS, as in Hebrew it is “Sheba [7] Shaneem [years]” and NOT “Sheba Shauot”, which is the Hebrew word for ‘weeks’.
That Verse also seem to indicate there would be ‘NO petroleum or oil’ during those “7 Years”.
Daniel 11:36 onwards show this ruler to be a proud and arrogant one, who has NO regard for any god that had ever been worshipped by human beings.
Daniel 7:8, 11 and 25 clearly state that he will speak against “The GOD of the BIBLE and blaspheme HIM” too.
Daniel 7:11 further states how this person would be thrown to the blazing fire and in Verse 26 the Angel tells Daniel “How GOD of the Bible would Judge this ruler and eliminate him forever”.
In Zechariah 11:15 and 16 GOD talks about a ‘foolish and evil shepherd’ that will arise, who instead of tending the flock, would use it for his selfish desires.
In Verse 17 there, he is called an ‘idol shepherd’, indicating that he would be ‘idolized’ and goes onto state “A sword would strike his arm and his right eye and his arm will be dried up or withered and his right eye will lose sight”.
The way Hebrew goes, it could also mean both his right eye and right arm could suffer those calamities.
ALL these references are from the “Books of the Prophets” of the Bible and ALL of them are JEWISH.
TWO more JEWISH PERSONS give further details about him that really SUBSTANTIATE “WHAT those Prophets have said” and they are in the Section called “New Testament Writings” by the Christians.
One of them is “Shaul”, who is commonly known as “Paul”.
In 2nd Thessalonians 2:3 Shaul\Paul calls this person, “man of sin/lawlessness” and “man of perdition” or “who is doomed to destruction”, according to the English translation one would read.
In Verse 4 Paul repeats what Daniel Chapter 7 stated about this person ‘exalting himself over all those called ‘gods’ and declares himself to be ‘The God of the Bible’. Though Daniel Chapter 7 does NOT give details about this part of his arrogance, Paul states in this Verse [4] how ‘this person’ would dare to go into the very ‘Temple of GOD’ and ‘set himself up’ there and declare or proclaim himself to be ‘God’. What that Verse also indicates is that the ‘Third Temple’ would be constructed by that time.
The other Jewish Prophet who talks about ‘this person’ is Yochanon [John] the youngest of YAHSHUA’S [Jesus’] disciples, who was the only one that was not martyred and hence died a ‘natural death’.
In 1st John 2:18 & 22 he uses the word ‘anti-Christ’ and that is the common term ‘this person’ is generally called by the Christians, even though that term is NOT found anywhere else in the New Testament.
The last Book in the Bible was called “Apocalypse” in the past, as the Greek term is “Apocalupsis”, which has the meaning of ‘Being uncovered’, as removing the ‘covering’ of some object. But “Revelation” is the name practically all the Christians use today to refer to it and throughout that Book, ‘this person’ is referred to as ‘the beast’.
Chapter 13 gives some details about his ascendency. Verses 1 & 2 give a picture of the ‘global kingdom’ that he would be the ultimate leader of. Those Verses mention the ‘characteristics of the beasts’ of Daniel Chapter 7, a leopard, a bear and a lion and also speaks about 10 horns and 7 heads, which are also stated in Revelation 17:7. Those details indicate, ‘this final global kingdom of human beings’ would have, ALL the characteristics of FORMER powerful empires.
Interestingly a new image was erected in front of the UN building some time back that depicted characteristics stated in Revelation 13:2, minus the 10 horns and the 7 heads, but having the “Wings of an Eagle” stated in Daniel 7:4, in relation to the Babylonian kingdom.
Verse 2 also goes on to state that the dragon (devil) would give ‘this person’ all the power and capabilities he possesses. Verse 4 there states how people in general would worship the devil and also this person because he seems to be extraordinary. That obviously would be the reason, why the devil would give ’that man’, his power and capabilities.
Revelation 13:3 states ‘this person’ would be fatally wounded but would recover, which fact is also repeated in Verse 12. Most probably that is WHEN Zechariah 11:17, about a “Sword striking him causing his right hand to be withered and also causing his right eye to be blind”, would be FULFILLED.
What is stated in Daniel 7:8, 11 & 25 about ‘him speaking blasphemous words against the GOD of the Bible’, is also repeated in Verses 5 & 6 of Revelation 13.
Verse 7 further goes onto repeat what is stated in the latter part of Daniel 7:25, ‘he will oppress the SAINTS’. Daniel 7:25 gives THAT time period as “Time, times and half a time”, generally understood as ‘3 and 1\2 years’.
Revelation 13:11 onwards speak about another beast, who is understood to be the ‘false prophet’, who also performs miraculous deeds and make people ‘worship the first beast (anti-Christ)’.
Verses 14 & 15 state how this false prophet would set up ‘an image’ OF the first beast (anti-Christ) and would ‘give it power to speak’, in order to kill those who refuse to worship it. This seems to be in line with what Paul has stated in 2nd Thessalonians 2:4.
Verses 16-18 state how the false prophet would FORCE everyone “to take a ‘mark’ on the right hand or on the forehead”, without which NO ONE would be able to buy anything, meaning even their FOOD or sell anything either.
Therefore in the past, some had the habit of stating ‘every new technical device’ that was introduced to be ‘the mark’, including credit cards. Recently it became the current ‘vaccinations’.
But ‘WHAT’ this Chapter quite clearly states is, “THAT ‘mark’ will be forced upon everyone, AFTER this ‘world ruler’ COMES INTO POWER and it will be enforced BY the false prophet, who is a religious figure”, whereas ‘anti-Christ’ is a RULER, meaning a political leader and NOT a religious one.
There are some ‘religious persons’, who are reputed to have supernatural powers and perform ‘miraculous deeds’. Some of them are recognized as “Believers of the GOD of the Bible”, whereas others belong to different ‘faiths’.
Yet NONE of them have caused MAJORITY of the inhabitants of the earth to worship, ‘ONE particular ruler’, as Revelation 13:12 onwards CLEARLY state.
At present even the 10 leaders have NOT come into power, let alone ‘this world ruler’. Therefore ANYTHING that would be enforced by ANYBODY AT PRESENT CANNOT be THAT ‘mark’ stated in Revelation Chapter 13, as it would be totally out of context. They can be considered as ‘precursors’ though.
Moreover Verse 18 of that Chapter goes onto say that ‘mark’ will correspond to the ‘value of the name’ of this world ruler and further states, “Whoever is smart enough, to calculate the ‘value of that name’, as it would add up to 666.
It HAS BEEN the habit of Jewish People to write the name of anyone in Hebrew and calculate and see, what it would ADD UP TO, as ALL the basic 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet HAVE numerical values.
In the ancient world the ‘numerical’ figures 1, 2, 3 etc. did NOT exist. Hence some of the letters in the alphabets various people used were given certain numerical values. The best known ones were of Latin, I = 1; II=2; III=3; V=5; X=10; L = 50; C=100 and so on.
The first 10 letters of the Hebrew alphabet have the values 1 to 10, the next 8 letters, multiples of 10 such as 20, 30 etc. and the final 4 letters multiples of 100, ending with the final letter ‘Taw’ [ת] having the value of 400. Psalms 119 is written using those 22 Letters in their alphabetical order, with each letter having 8 Verses beginning with it. That is why it has 176 Verses = 22 X 8. Even the “Virtues of a Noble Wife” stated in Proverbs 31:10 – 31 are written in that fashion in original Hebrew, having ONE verse for EACH letter.
In the very FIRST Book of the ‘New Testament’ also, a ‘certain number’ is repeated 3 TIMES, that most Christians do NOT seem to notice.
It is in Matthew 1:17, “Thus there were 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 from David to the exile in Babylon and 14 from the exile to the Messiah”.
The numerical value of “DAVID”, when written in Hebrew [דוד] is “14”. [ד] = 4 + [ו] = 6 + [ד] = 4 and the total = 14.
As Matthew wrote his Book primarily to the Jewish People, he was telling them, “YAHSHUA is the Son of David”, which was considered to be a “Messianic Title” then [Mark 10: 46, 47], as well as now.
Hence in the First Book of the ‘New Testament’ the VALUE of a “Messianic Title” is given as 14, 14, 14 and in the Last Book an indication, called “remez” in Hebrew, is given regarding ‘the name of an imposter’.
Revelation 11:3 – 12 speak about TWO Witnesses who would Minister in Israel for 42 months. Verse 7 there states how the ‘beast that comes from the abyss’ would kill them, after their time period is OVER.
But during the 42 months prior to that “No one can harm them”. That Verse also seem to indicate this ‘world ruler’ who is powerless against those TWO during those 42 months, becomes ‘powerful enough’ to overcome the TWO Witnesses, after the ‘beast from the abyss’ comes up. It ‘could be’ that the ‘assassination attempt’ on him would be carried out towards the end of the 42 months and this other beast not only heals him, but also gives the ‘power or capability’ to overcome the ‘TWO’, as their “Time Period according to GOD’S Schedule” would be OVER by then. All the same, ‘the killing of those TWO Witnesses’ is also shown as an act of this ‘world ruler’, in that Chapter.
Revelation Chapter 16 is about the “Bowls of GOD’S Wrath” that would be poured upon the earth, during this person’s rule. Verse 12 speaks about “kings of the east” coming with a vast army. Revelation 9:16 states it would comprise of 200 million. As per 16:12, it ‘appears’ as if, initially they ‘could be’ coming against this ‘world ruler’. The basic ‘root word’ in Greek, that is translated as “to prepare” in English, is ‘heteos’, which also could mean “adjust”. Verses 13 and 14 state how ‘3 unclean spirits would come out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, that perform ‘miraculous signs’, in order to prepare or adjust ‘kings of the whole world.
That would mean balance of the 7, who are not from the east too.
Questions such as ‘WHY do those unclean spirits have to WAIT until these ‘kings from the east’ come near the river Euphrates to go out and do their work?’ and ‘WHY did not these spirits GO EARLIER, IF their sole purpose was to ‘gather the rulers of the whole world for the final battle?’ etc., could be raised.
Revelation 19:11 -16 SHOWS ‘HOW’ YAHSHUA would be Coming Back with HIS army and Verses 19 and 20 give the “FINAL OUTCOME” of this ‘final battle’, this ‘world ruler’ would wage, together with ALL the rulers of the world, AGAINST YAHSHUA, WHO IS CALLED “CHIEF OF KINGS” in Revelation 1:5. THAT resonates quite well with what is stated in Daniel 7:13 and 14 about, “ONE LOOKING LIKE A SON OF MAN, TO WHOM GOD [ANCIENT OF DAYS] WILL GIVE AUTHORITY OVER ALL that reign on the earth”.
Revelation 19:19 & 20 COLLABORATE what is recorded in Daniel 7:11, as they state “both the beast and the false prophet would be thrown alive into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone”.
So ultimately the ‘coming world ruler’ and also the ‘world religious leader’ would end up in the fiery lake. They would be the first two to be cast into that place, where subsequently the devil (Revelation 20:10), death, hell and all that deserve to ‘go there’, also would be thrown into, as per Revelation 20:14 and 15.
THAT seems to be WHAT is stated in Daniel 12:2 and is called the ‘second death’ in Revelation 20:14.
Given above is a ‘picture’ that could be SEEN in the Bible regarding this ‘coming world ruler’ and the final battle in human history. THAT battle is also known as ‘Armageddon’, as it would take place in the valley of the ‘Hill in Megiddo’, “Har Megiddo” in Hebrew [Revelation 16:16] and Daniel 11:45 also seem to indicate so
I could have missed a couple Scriptures that give some more details about ‘this ruler’. In case anyone reading this article is aware of them, I would appreciate it greatly, if that person could send them to me, so that a ‘fuller picture’ about ‘this person’ could be portrayed, for the benefit of those who are interested.
Finally it should be stated that the foregoing was written “for the benefit of sincere People, who are searching for this kind of information and do NOT want to be deceived”, since the Scriptures clearly show ‘this person’ to be a master deceiver.